Becky Parker Geist has always been passionate about storytelling, recognizing the power it has to transform us.
She wrote her first “book” at age 6, and boldly declared herself an author. In third grade she wrote her first chapter book. By fourth grade she was set on becoming an author when she grew up. Proof that sticking to a dream can bring it all the way to manifestation!
By the time she was in high school, theatre had moved to center stage in her life. Co-founding two theatre companies in her career, touring internationally as an actor/producer, working Off Broadway as well as in S.F. Bay Area theatres, she now also brings her theatre and acting expertise to the world of audiobooks.
Over the last decade, her focus, however, has been on producing audiobooks.
Becky has been serving as President of BAIPA (Bay Area Independent Publishers Association) since 2014. It is during these years that she’s learned most of what she knows about publishing, and also realized all the things she didn’t know to do with her early publications.
A feature article she wrote about audiobooks appears in the May/June issue of the IBPA “Independent.” She is host of her own podcast, Audiobook Connection—Behind the Scenes with the Creative Teams, and has been the guest on many podcasts hosted by other leaders in independent publishing, including AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing Podcast.
Becky also writes children’s books, and nonfiction titles about audiobook production and education.
Now based in Portland, Oegon—after thirty-seven years in the S.F. Bay Area—Becky is exceedingly grateful and happy to live near two of her three daughters and her only two granddaughters.
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Becky Parker Geist is the founder and CEO of Pro Audio Voices Inc., a Portland based company serving clients internationally with audiobook production and marketing, including complex and unusual projects that may involve multiple voices and/or music and/or sound effects.
A few things I’m proud of…

The Left Turn
Two Lives, Worlds Apart
If you could leave behind the baggage of your past . . . Who would you become?
Hannah, a forty-six year old author plagued with anxiety, and her partner James, an HR recruiter caught in a headlock of grief over his brother’s death, are as desperate for inner peace as they are clueless about how to find it.
But when they embark on a sunny bike ride shortly after moving to the San Francisco Bay Area, a split-second decision propels them into different versions of their lives—ones they don’t recognize as their own. With a mental fog obscuring their recent past and who they were, they are forced to dig inside themselves to figure out who they are now. Surprising discoveries about the nature of the universe send them on a psychological journey towards who they can be.
But will they be able to let go of their deeply ingrained subconscious beliefs about life and themselves to embrace the unfamiliar potentials they now face?