The Left Turn Novel

If your past VANISHED . . . Who might you become?
Hannah, a forty-six year old author plagued with anxiety, and her partner James, an HR recruiter caught in a headlock of grief over his brother’s death, are as desperate for inner peace as they are clueless about how to find it.
But will they be able to let go of their deeply ingrained subconscious beliefs about life and themselves to embrace the unfamiliar potentials they now face?
Goodbye to Grandma
My first real experience with the death of another human was when I was in seventh grade and my beloved grandma passed on. She had been a robust, slightly heavy set, warm, loving person in my life. Living right next door, I knew her well. I was fortunate in that regard.
Near the end of her life, she went to a nursing home. The last time I saw her I was shocked. While she wasn’t, thankfully, all hooked up to tubes and such, her body had dwindled down to a mere shadow of who she had been. Her frail body lay on the bed, her eyes alive, but barely.
What I remember most, and what was so very disturbing to me as a child, was the bright red lipstick they had put on her pale white face. It looked wrong. Scary wrong. I didn’t recognize her, yet I knew it was her. The disconnect and change in how she looked and her energy—it all felt wrong. Like someone was playing a macabre trick on me. A haunted house had become real. And I withdrew in fear from Death—this thing that could do that to my grandma, and take her away from me forever!
Ten Years Later
My sister, three years older than me, left her human body behind when she was just 25. I railed against Death! It was too cruel!! It was so very wrong! It had been what felt like a long, drawn-out dying, though I later came to understand just how quick it was. I also learned that having Melanoma while pregnant makes it metastasize more quickly.
When her son was just a year and a half, she departed. I thought, again, forever!
Until about four months later.
Upcoming Chat on Aug 8, 5-6:00 pm Pacific Time
I’ll share more of that story on Monday during our monthly chat about life—and death. About mystery and mysticism. About clues from the Universe and what the heck it all might mean. I hope you’ll join me.
We’ll meet on Zoom. Come for all or part, at the beginning or partway through. Very informal. I look forward to hearing about your experiences and thoughts.
Here the link to join—add it to your calendar now so you remember:
Topic: Chat about the Universe
Time: Aug 8, 2022 05:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 846 7033 9972
You might wonder what genre The Left Turn fits into. There are so many options and themes that feel appropriate to mention: magical realism, metaphysical fiction, visionary fiction, time travel, midlife crisis, self-discovery, New Age, new science, women’s fiction, contemporary fiction, midlife awakening, inner peace, conscious awakening, consciousness, Law of Attraction, spirituality.
Take a read or listen, and tell me where you think it fits best! Grab the free ebook on Aug 11-13!
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Becky Parker Geist is the founder and CEO of Pro Audio Voices Inc., a Portland based company serving clients internationally with audiobook production and marketing, including complex and unusual projects that may involve multiple voices and/or music and/or sound effects.
Written by : Becky Parker Geist
Becky is the author of The Left Turn: Two Lives Worlds Apart (book 1 in the Split Universe Series) as well as three other nonfiction titles and 2 children's books. She is usually busy running her audiobook production and marketing company, Pro Audio Voices Inc. Inspiring the world through bringing stories to life!
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An extraordinary story that uses parallel universes in a contemporary and very relatable context. Becky Parker Geist opens vistas of perception!